Dr. Tsering Norboo has been conferred the Padma Shri award by the President of India for his exceptional and distinguished service in the field of medicine. He has served selflessly for decades in Ladakh and is considered one of the most knowledgeable persons in the field of High Altitude medicine and has presented several papers internationally on the subject. Aged 76 years, he works round the clock on multiple projects and travels to the remotest parts of Ladakh to various villages for his work. Presently he is founder member and Hon Secretary of Ladakh Institute for Prevention for the study of Environmental, Occupational, Lifestyle-related and High Altitude Disease and is Consultant Physician at Mahabodhi Karuna Charitable Hospital, Choglamsar. He is also on the expert review committee of DRDO (DIPAS) in high altitude studies; was a member of the expert committee panel of Government of India, Ministry of Health to impart training to medical officers attending Shri Amarnath Yatra 2013. He is a life member of the Association of Physicians of India, Indian chest society and an associate member of the International Society of Mountain Medicine and Physiology, and Indian Mountaineering Foundation.