The Journal is late in coming—again I am afraid. There can be hundreds of novel excuses the editor can conjure up but in the end it is he who bears full responsibility. The Indian industry suffered considerably from power cuts during 1974 and 1975—the printing presses apparently suffered the most, and the Himalayan Journal had to await its place in the queue behind a long line of publications.
With printing now done in Bombay, the greater burden of seeing the scripts through to print pages fell on Jagdish Nanavati, Hon. Secretary, who has bourne the delicate task admirably and in his own meticulous way assisted in proofreading and all the other chores of issue and despatch—he, in fact, has been an assistant editor and I would like to thank him here for all the hard work, while I have been in Calcutta (more recently, in the Sudan) .
My thanks also go to other stalwarts—Ted Pyatt (editor of the A. J.), Ad Carter (editor of the A. A. J.), Anders Bolinder (Hon. Local Secretary for Switzerland), Dr. A. Diemberger (Hon. Local Secretary for Austria), Mike Cheney (Hon. Local Secretary for Nepal), A. Kus (Hon. Local Secretary for Poland), Bill Risoe (Hon. Local Secretary for U.K.), Bob Lawford and a whole host of contributors who have answered promptly for information and articles.
One tries to be comprehensive without being too late— sometimes I fall somewhere in between !
Soli S. Mehta
p. 90—first line—read 'Dharam Chanel' instead of 'Cherd'.
p. 136—footnote second line—read 'Gulmarg' instead of 'Gulmark'.
p.169 ‘Loving Over Wilderness to Death'.
p 171 'Loving Our Wilderness to Death' instead p. 173
p176, p177 title—read 'Joe Kelsey' instead of 'joe Keisey'.
p. 188—4th line—read 'Stared' instead of 'Started'.
p. 201—under expeditions in Garhwal add 10. Nanda Khat Naini Tal G. Sah. Climbed (21,690 ft.—6,611 m.) M.C. 13-10-72