The forty-seventh Annual General Meeting was held at Crescent House, Ballard Estate, Bombay 400 038. The following names were proposed and elected at the meeting :
President .. | A. D. Moddie |
Vice-Presidents . . | Capt. M. S. Kohli, I.N., A.V.S.M. K. K. Guha N. D. Jayal |
Honorary Treasurer . . | M. Tandon |
Honorary Secretary . . | J. C. Nanavati |
Honorary Local Secretaries | |
Bhutan | John Tyson |
Nepal | M. J. Cheney |
India : Almora |
N. B. Parekh |
Darjeeling | E. D. Avari |
Bombay | Hon. Secretary |
Calcutta | A. B. Ghoshal |
Delhi | S. Dubey |
Kulu | J. Banon |
Pakistan | Col. E. Goodwin |
Australia | Maj. W. M. M. Deacock |
Austria | Dr. A. Diemberger |
Great Britain | V. S. Risoe, M.B.E |
Japan | Y. Mita |
Spain | Jose Paytubi |
Switzerland | E. A. Bolinder |
U.S.A.---East | A. J. Kauffman |
U.S.A.-Midwest | A. D. Black |
Members of Committee
F. C. Badhwar, Esq., O.B.E. | R. M. Khatau |
Gurdial Singh | T. H. Braham |
S. S. Mehta | M. Tandon |
K. K. Guha | K. N. Naoroji |
Cmdr. M. S. Kohli, A.V.S.M. | R. S. Pillai |
Members of Committee
F. C. Badhwar, O.B.E. | R. M. Khatau | K. N. Naoroji |
J. T. M. Gibson, O.B.E. | G. Ramchandani | B. W. Ritchie |
Comdr. Joginder Singh | H. B. Kapadia |
Additional Members of Balloting Committee
R. W. Hotz | Dr. H. V. R. Iengar/td> | Prof. C. K. Mitra |
Other Appointments:
Honorary Editor . . . . | S. S. Mehta, Esq. |
Honorary Librarian . . .. | S. Sahi |
Honorary Equipment Officer ... | Hon. Secretary at Bombay and Hon, Local Secretaries at Calcutta and Delhi |
An Extraordinary General Meeting was held after the above A.G.M. at the same place to amend the Rules with a view to in¬troduce Associate membership in place of student membership. Under the amended Rules persons betweem the ages 17 and 35 years will be eligible for becoming Associaates for a period upto 7 years within which they should attain full membership. It is hoped that more and more younger persons, including students, would be able to join the Club under this category and enjoy the facilities offered by the Club.
Mountain Huts
With increasing costs of porterage and consequent burden im¬posed on smaller trekking and climbing grroups, greater need is felt for setting up suitable mountain huts in the higher regions in Himalaya. A small Sub-committee of: the Club considered several alternative sites bearing in mind the present facilities. However, the erection and maintenance ozf mountain huts were at present beyond the resources of the Club. On the recommend- dation of the Sub-committee the President suggested following sites to the Indian Mountaineering Foundation, who had shown interest in the matter.
With the kind assistance of the Swiss Emlfoassy, a detailed design of a mountain hut was also forwarded to the I.M.F.
Environment and Ecology
A Sub-committee was set up to promote conservation of Himalayan Environment and Ecology.
Our Member, Mr. C. R. Bailey attended the UNESCO (MAB-6) Conference at Kathmandu on the impact of Man on Mountains.
Air India called a Seminar on 3rd September on Himalayan Travel when many Members of the Club participated including Mr. A. D. Moddie, President, Mr. J. C. Nanavati, Hon. Secretary, Brigadier Gyan Singh, Mr. Gurdial Singh, Comdr. Joginder Singh and Mr. K. P. S. Sharma. Capt. M. S. Kohli, our Vice-President, who was with Air India, had taken the initiative to organise the Seminar.
Mr. A. D. Moddie, our President, in his forthright address warned the Seminar that over enthusiasm to "develope" mountain region for tourism may disturb the delicate balance of mountain ecology and may prove disastrous to the economy of the region in the long run.
P. 28 — line 4, read 'crest' instead of 'rest'
P. 30 — line 19, read 'Andy Harvard' instead of 'Andy Hardvard'
pe 34 — line 10, read 'Ang Phurba' instead of 'Aug Phurba'
P. 36 — line 18, read 'proximity' instead of 'promity'
pe 36 — line 24, read 'some momentos' instead of 'the some moments'
p. 54 — line 8, read 'Chuling Khola' instead of 'Chulin Khola'
P. 74 — line 4, read 'Norbu Kang' instead of 'North Kang'
p. 87 — line 9 from below, read 'Shrike' instead of 'Shirke'
p. 88 — line 9 from below, read 'joined' instead of 'jonied'
p. 88 — line 10 from below, read 'Devinder Jeet Singh' instead of 'Devinder Teet Singh'
P. 92 — line 4 from below, read 'survive' instead of 'service'
P. 97 — line 6, read 'Bidyut' instead of 'Bidyat'
P. 100 — line 23, read 'Murray' instead of 'Murray*
P. 108 — line 16, read 'Nim Dorje' instead of 'Nim Dorke'
P. 123 — line 23, read 'tent-shaped' instead of 'ten-shaped'
P. 129 — line 7 from below, read 'Rohtang' instead of 'Rontang'
P. 132 — line 7 from below, read 'shallow' instead of 'shall'
P. 135 — footnote 6, read 'Umga' instead of 'Umba'
P. 136 — last line, to be read as last line on Page 137
P. 145 — line 6 from below, read 'rope' instead of 'hope'
P. 159 — line 12, read 'Bruno Tuscan' instead of 'Bruno Tuscani'
P. 159 — line 4 from below, read 'Qazi-Deh' instead of 'Qui-Deh'
P. 162 — line 9, read 'Kohe Tez' instead of 'Kobe Tez'
P. 174 — line 1, read '333 km' instead of '333 m*
P. 192 — line 9, read 'Lasht' instead of 'Iasht'
P. 209 — line 15, read 'J. Holnicki-Sculz' instead of 'J. Holnicki- Szulo'
P. 209 — line 17, read 'H Borchers' instead of 'H Borchess'
P. 210 — line 6, read 'Holnicki-Sculz' instead of 'Holnick-Szale'
P. 221 — item 16, read 'Shartse' instead of 'Shertse'
P. 221 — item 21, read '27923 ft' instead of '27293'
P. 222 — item 25, read 'Unpiyo' instead of 'Unplyo'
P. 222 — item 9, read '19930 ft' instead of '19980 ft'
P. 222 — item 10, read 'Devtoli' instead of 'Devotli'
P. 224 — line 11 from below, read 'Soltoro' instead of 'Solotoro'
P. 225 — line 3 from below, read 'chendzonga' instead of 'chenzonga'
P. 234 — line 16 from below, read 'Brahms' instead of 'Brahma'
P. 236 — line 19 from below, read 'Jongsong' instead of 'Jongsang*
Printed in India by P. P. Bhagwat at Mouj Printing Bureau, Khatau Wadi, Bombay 400 004 and published by S. S. Mehta for Himalayan Club at P.O. Box 1905, Bombay 400 001.
Volume XXXIV has been printed on the paper supplied by
Thapar House, 124 lanpath New Delhi 110 001
Himalayan Club is grateful for their kind assistance.