The Fifty-fourth Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, 30 November 1983 at Scindia House, Ballard Estate, Bombay. Following names were proposed and elected:
President | Col B. S. Sandhu |
Vice-Presidents | Dr M. L. Biswas K. N. Naoroji Col L. P. Sharma |
Honorary Treasurer | S. K. Damania |
Honorary Secretary | J. C. Nanavati |
Members of Committee
C. D. Danthi | A.D.Moddie |
K. K. Guha | P. A. Shah |
Harish Kapadia | Brig Gyan Singh |
Capt M. S. Kohli | Cdr Joginder Singh |
S. P. Mahadevia | Lt Gen Mathew Thomas |
Honorary Local Secretaries
India : Almora |
N. B. Parekh |
Calcutta | Joydeep Sircar |
Chandigarh | P. M. Das |
Darjeeling | E. D. Avari |
Delhi | Sudhir Sahi |
Manali | John Banon |
Kashmir | Sat Paul Sahni |
Bhutan | C. P. Vohra |
Nepal | Stan Armington |
Pakistan | Nazir Sabir |
Australia & New Zealand | W. W. Deacock |
Czechoslovakia | V. Smida |
France | Jean Coudray |
Great Britain | R. G. Pettigrew |
Japan | Y. Mita |
Italy | Prof Ardito Desio |
Spain | Jose Paytubi |
Switzerland | E. A. Bolinder |
West Germany | Hans-Dieter Greul |
U.S.A. : East | A. J. Kauffman |
West | Nicholas Clinch |
Mid | AD. Black |
Additional Members of Balloting Committee
R. E. Hotz Prof. C. K. Mitra Dr H. V. R. Iengar |
Other Appointments:
Honorary Editor | Harish Kapadia |
Honorary Asstt. Editor | R. E. Hawkins |
Honorary Librarian | W. M. Aitken |
Hon. Asstt. Librarian - Bombay | Vincent James, Bombay Ranjit Lahiri, Calcutta |
Honorary Equipment Officer | Arun P. Samant |
Hon Asstt Equipment Officers | Prabhat Ganguli, Calcutta R. D. Bhattacharji, Delhi |
Himalayan Journals
H.J. Vol. 39 was issued during mid-1983.
Prices of H.J. in stock are Rs 100/- each, plus postage Rs 20/- (overseas) and Rs 10/- (inland). The Club has Vol. 32 to 39 in stock.
Members who wish to dispose off their sets or individual numbers and those desirous of purchasing particular numbers or sets may contact the Honorary Assistant Librarian, Himalayan Club, P.O. Box 1905, Bombay 400 001, India. He will endeavour to bring buyers and sellers in touch with each other for mutual benefit.
London Reunion
The Annual Reunion dinner of the Himalayan Club was held at the Oriental Club, London, on Friday, 22 April 1983. Sixty members and guests attended this popular annual meet.
Prior to the dinner Col Henry Day gave an illustrated lecture on the achievements of a British Army expedition, of which he was leader, to the mountains of the Sino-Tibetan border. John Cleare, the eminent mountain photographer, proposed the vote of thanks.
The principal guests of the dinner were Countess Dorothea Gravina, Prof Noel Odell, Mx and Mrs Bob Lawford and V. S. Risoe. Robert Pettigrew was the Convener, and Col Henry Day proposed the toast of The Himalayan Club.
Club Sponsorship
Following expeditions were sponsored by the Himalayan Club during the year 1983.
Grindlays Bank Mountain Scholarship
During 1983 Grindlays Bank Mountain Scholarships were awarded to 12 applicants.
Sectional Sub-Committees
The Club has three principal centres in India where local club activities are conducted from time to time i.e. Bombay, Calcutta and Delhi. A nucleus of members at each centre affords the organisation and participation of Club activities. The Managing Committee has constituted Sectional Sub-Committees at Calcutta and Delhi consisting of the Club office bearers located at these centres.
Calcutta Chairman : |
Dr M. L. Biswas (Vice-President) |
Members : | Joydeep Sircar (Hon. Local Secretary) P. Ganguli (Hon Asst Equip Officer) R. Lahiri (Hon Asst Librarian) |
Delhi Chairman : Col L. P. Sharma (Vice-President) |
Members : | Sudhir Sahi (Hon Local Secretary) Bill Aitken (Hon Librarian) R. Bhattacharji (Hon Asst Equip Officer) Capt M. S. Kohli Cdr Joginder Singh |
D.F.O. Dangar, Honorary member of the Club, had been producing Himalayan Journal Indexes for past 25 years. Index for H.J. Vol. 39 is his last. The Club thanks him for this long stint and meticulous indexes. We hope to keep up the high standards set by him.
19 February: The annual Club dinner was held. Over 40 members participated. After the dinner Col B. S. Sandhu and Z. S. Boga gave a slide-illustrated talk oh ascent of Gangotri I.
19-20 February: A two-day seminar on the subject The Himalaya Closer to Nature' was held. Following speakers gave slide-illustrated talks:
Sunderlal Bahuguna presided over the second session and spoke on 'Chipko Movement'.
Colour enlargement of Manasarovar — Kailash (Tibet) taken by Romesh Bhattacharji were displayed.
30 November: S. K. Damania gave a slide-illustrated talk on trek to Muktinath.
26 February: Mr Raghunathan gave a slide-show on his trek to Goriganga valley in Kumaon Himalaya.
14 April: Rahul Sharma presented a slide-show on the trek accross Kuari pass in Garhwal.
27 July: The film The Fragile Mountain' was screened.
5 September: John Jackson gave an illustrated talk on his trans-Pindus expedition in Greece and Greenland.
14 September: John Cleare, photographer-climber, addressed the Club. Wanda Rutkiewicz, the third woman to have climbed Everest, gave a talk followed by a short film on Polish attempt on K2.
19 October: Major Jean Claude Marmier, Cummandant, High Altitude Mountain School, Chamonix, spoke on his recent expedition to Thalay Sagar in Gangotri region, followed by his film on the winter ascent of Dru by the West Face direct.
8 November: Two films loaned by the Austrian Embassy were shown:
Step to the Summit.
Ascent of Mt. Logan.
16 December: Michael Caleb gave an illustrated talk on trek to Rupkund. Chandana Mathur showed slides on trek ac-cross Lamkhaga pass.
29 December: J.T.M. Gibson gave a slide-illustrated talk of his visits to Himalaya during 40 year period from 1930s.
12 July: K. K. Guha spoke on the Neora valley Biosphere Reconaissance Expedition 1982.
6 December: A slide-show was held.
Editorial: Second last line, read 'Doug' instead of 'Dong'. Sorry Scott!—Ed.
Printed in India by S. V. Limaye at India Printing Works, Fort, Bombay 400 023 and published by J. C. Nanavati, Hon. Secretary, for The Himalayan Club, P.O. Box 1905, Bombay 400 001.