- Each article should be signed by the author or authors and forwarded to the Editor with necessary instructions, if any.
- Authors are requested to write their articles as concisely as possible, not exceeding 5,000 words for major expeditions and 2,000 words for minor ones.
- The MS. must be easily legible, preferably typewritten, with double spacing, on one side of the quarto or foolscap paper and with pages numbered throughout. It must be in its final from for printing. Authors are advised to retain copies of their papers as the Club cannot accept responsibility for safe custody.
- References to plates, photographs, etc., should be inserted in the MS. where required. Position for the insertion of illustrations appearing in the text should be indicated.
All photographs, maps and drawings should, where possible, allow reduction to about two-thirds the linear dimensions, and the amount of the reduction should be considered, during drafting, with regard to the size and strength of shading, lettering, lines, etc. Maps should be submitted, if possible, not rolled. The over-all space available for figures and plates is 7" (17 cm.)x 4" (10 cm.) in the Journal of the Club.
- Four to five photographs and two maps for articles on major expeditions and two photos and one map for minor expeditions will generally be accepted for publication in the Journal. Exceptions will be made in special cases.
- Photographs should be unmounted glossy black and white prints, marked on the back with the name of the author, number of the figure and an indication of the top. Prints should not be trimmed or cut out. Authors should suggest the arrangement of the figures on each plate, either by a diagram or a paste-up of rough prints, with indication of any lettering to be inserted. Lettering must be in black ink in neat and legible style, or lightly written in pencil.
Proofs of papers will be sent to authors or communicators to the address indicated in correspondence, or on MSS. if necessary. Normally the editor is to correct the proofs. The cost of author's corrections in excess of 5 percent of the printer’s charges for the setting of a particular paper will be charged to the author.
References to previous volumes and number of the particular Journal in the text should be made by quoting the author’s name, the volume and page number and page number and the year of publication of the paper in the said Journal.
Himalayan Journal.
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