THE RECENT PLETHORA of climbing expeditions has brought about a change in the values and the ethics of climbing. Leaders and members of the expeditions and others, are sometimes peeved at some of the attitudes and feel that it is just not cricket. The climbers express their views strongly as evident in the following pages. One of the great things about the climbing fraternity is its propensity to debate. These comments do not necessarily represent our views, as always so, but they must be allowed to be expressed.
M. H. Contractor joins as the honorary assistant editor from the present issue. He was already a dependable member of the team for the past issues and that fact is now only formalised. Now we also have a team of enthusiasts, as listed at the end, lending a keen eye and energies. They have already burnt midnight oil for this labour of love.
All this reorganization was necessary because during the year the Himalayan Journal lost two stalwarts in the passing away of Soli S. Mehta, the editor, and Roy E. Hawkins, the past assistant editor. Both had paid a great attention to the H. J. and our present strength and improvements are entirely based on their foundations. The following pages contain many tributes to them.
Amongst many attributes of Soli and Hawk, as he was known to his friends, there rings out one constant refrain; their expertise, devotion and love for mountaineering literature. It will be a challenge to the new team to live upto their exacting standards. Both were hard taskmasters and great teachers who led by example. Producing the H.J.s with them was so much learning and fun.
When the name of the famous hill-station Simla was changed to Shimla, and so mentioned in an article, not to be out done Soli added a foot note :
'There is no truth in the rumour that the editor is about to change the spelling of his name to Sholi. Beware when you are requested by the Survey of India spelling experts to sit. — Ed.'
We at the Himalayan Journal will miss their assuring presence, expert guidance and humour. Rest In Peace, Hawk and Sholi.
Harish Kapadia