I. Addresses
All communications for the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and Honorary Librarian should be addressed to them as under:
Honorary Secretary/Treasurer/Librarian, The Himalayan Club,
c/o General Staff Branch, Simla.
Communications for the Honorary Editor should be addressed to
Lieut.-Colonel Kenneth Mason, m.c., Honorary Editor, The Himalayan Club, School of Geography, Mansfield Road, Oxford.
II. Appointments
The following are the Honorary Local Secretaries, Honorary Local
Correspondents, Technical and Scientific Correspondents, and Officials of the Eastern Section Committee for 1936.
Honorary Local Secretaries.
Kashmir .. .. .. F. Ludlow, Esq., and Major K. C. Hadow, c/o Postmaster, Srinagar, Kashmir.
Chamba .. .. .. Dr. J. Hutchison, Chamba, via Dal-housia, Punjab.
Garhwal .. .. .. Officer Commanding, io/i8th Royal Garhwal Rifles, Lansdowne.
Darjeeling .. .. J. W. Kydd, Esq., Villa Everest, Darjeeling.
Eastern Section .. .. Mrs. H. P. V. Townend, 14/1 Rowland Road, Calcutta.
Honorary Local Correspondents.
London .. .. .. Lieut.-Colonel E. L. Strutt, c.b.e., d.s.o., President of the Alpine Club, 12 Somers Place, Hyde Park, London, W. 2.
Quetta .. .. .. Captain G. S. Nangle, Staff College, Quetta.
The Pamirs and Kun Lun: C. P. Skrine, Esq., i.c.s., Political Agent and Deputy Commissioner, Sibi, Baluchistan, and Captain G. Sherriff, c/o Postmaster, Srinagar, Kashmir.
Gilgit Agency: Lieut. D. M. B. Smart, Gilgit Scouts, Gilgit, via Kashmir.
Baltistan, Nubra, Ladakh, and Zaskar: Colonel M. L. Gompertz, H.Q. Western Command, Karachi.
Chamba: Dr. J. Hutchison, Chamba, via Dal- housie, Punjab.
Kulu, Lahul, and Spiti .. Captain D. G. Lowndes, io/i 8th Royal Garhwal Rifles, Lansdowne, and A. P. F. Hamilton, Esq., i.f.s., c/o Forest Office, 17 Cooper Road, Lahore.
Dharmsala Hills .. Major J. W. Rundall, i/ist K.G.O. Gurkha Rifles, Landi Kotal, N.W.F.P.
Bashahr: R. Maclagan Gorrie, Esq., i.f.s., c/o Chief Conservator of Forests, Lahore.
Scientific and Technical Correspondents.
Archaeology: Sir Aurel Stein, k.c.i.e., ph.d., d.litt., d.sc., c/o Mrs. P. S. Allen, 22 Manor Place, Oxford.3
Botany: B. O. Coventry, Esq., Srinagar, Kashmir.
Geodesy and Geophysics: Lieut.-Colonel E. A. Glennie, D.s.o., r.e., Survey of India, Geodetic Branch, Dehra Dun, U.P.
Geology and Glaciology: Sir L. L. Fermor, o.b.e., f.r.s., Director, Geological Survey of India, Calcutta.
Medical Zoology: Dr. C. Strickland, m.d., United Services Club, Calcutta.
Meteorology: Dr. C. W. B. Normand, d.sc., Director- General of Observatories, Poona.
Ornithology: H. Whistler, Esq., Caldbec House, Battle, Sussex, England.
Photography: Major C. J. Morris, The Club, Darjeeling.4
Survey and Maps: Colonel C. G. Lewis, o.b.e., Director, Geodetic Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, U.P.
Zoology and Entomology: Dr. C. F. C. Beeson, d.sc., Forest Research Institute and College, Dehra Dun, U.P.
Eastern Section Committee.
Chairman: C. R. Cooke, Esq.
Honorary Secretary: Mrs. H. P. V. Townend.
Honorary Treasurer: J. Latimer, Esq.
Honorary Secretary (Darjeeling): J. W. Kydd, Esq.
Equipment Officer: E. R. Gee, Esq.
E. O. Shebbeare, Esq., Dr. A. M. Heron.
J. B. Auden, Esq., P. Duncan, Esq., Lieut. J. Waller, r.a.
III. Expeditions in Kashmir
Organizers of large expeditions in Kashmir will find it advisable to make early application for permission to go beyond the passes. For various reasons such expeditions have to be strictly limited. As soon as permission from the authorities has been obtained, the organizer should notify the Honorary Local Secretary in Kashmir, who is in a position to offer considerable advice and assistance.1 Expense and trouble may be saved by sending the bulk of the non- perishable stores and equipment across the passes leading out of the Kashmir valley during the summer or autumn of the year preceding the proposed expedition. Transport for this can be arranged through an Agency of their choice or by arrangement with one of the reliable Agencies known to the Honorary Secretaries. Rates for transport over the Zoji La, the Kamri, or Burzil passes are low during the summer and autumn months compared with those ruling during the spring, when the passes are more difficult and villagers are less easy to obtain owing to the requirements of agriculture. Late snow-falls may then block the passes and serious delay to the programme may result.
VI. Himalayan Route-Books
The following arrangements have been made to edit and keep up to date the Himalayan Route-Books. The General Co-ordinating Editor is Captain E. St. J. Birnie, Sam Browne's Cavalry. Volume i (Punch, Kashmir, & Ladakh), the second edition of which was published in 1929, will be brought up to date by Mr. A. P. F. Hamilton, i.f.s., assisted by Lieut. E. C. Thompson, r.c.s., and Captain G. S. Nangle, 2/9th Gurkha Rifles. Volume ii (The Central Himalaya) will be prepared and edited by Captain R. A. K. Sangster, 3/12th F.F. Regiment, assisted by Mr. G. R. Henniker-Gotley, i.f.s., and Captain D. G. Lowndes, 10/18th Royal Garhwal Rifles. Arrangements are being made by the Eastern Section for the preparation of volume iii (The Eastern Himalaya).
The Committee of the Himalayan Club will be very grateful if travellers in the Himalaya during 1936 and 1937 will send details of their journeys in the following form to Captain E. St. J. Birnie, Sam Browne's Cavalry (12th F.F.), Jubbulpore, C.P. These are required to check and add to the present edition of volume i, and to assist in compiling volumes ii and iii.
Specimen Report
No of stage | Names of stages | Map ref | Intermediate and total mileage | Height above sea-level | Remarks and nature of country to next stage |
Godhai R.H., E. | 43l | 9,100 | Rough steep track up Ditchil Nala, and over shoulder to grassy valley. Ponies may be taken but must be led in places. 4 hours.* | ||
1 | Bubind E. | 43M | 11 /11 | 9,700 | Village. S.T.nil. F.G.W. available. Main track, at mile 2, turns up side valley for 5 miles over rough and stony country &c., &c. 3^ hours. |
2 | Alampi La E. | 43M | 10/ 21 | 13,000 |
* To include normal halts.
D.B. Dak Bungalow with servants and board. S. Supplies.
R.H. Rest House without servants and board. T. Transport.
I.B. Road Inspection Bungalow (civil). F. Firewood or other fuel.
M.W.B.M.E.S. Bungalow (military). G. Grass or grazing.
F. R.H. Forest Rest House. W. Water.
C. Caravan Sarai for Indian travellers. R. River.
E.Encamping ground. N. Nala.
P.O. Post Office. r. right.
T.O. Telegraph Office. 1. left.
V. Equipment
The Eastern Section of the Himalayan Club keeps a small stock of tents and climbing equipment, which may be hired by members on application to the Honorary Secretary, Eastern Section, The Himalayan Club, Calcutta. A list of available equipment has been circulated with the Annual List of Members.
VI. Presentation of Books to the Library
Books presented to the Library, including those sent for review, should be addressed to the Honorary Librarian, The Himalayan Club, General Staff Branch, Simla, and not to any official of the Club by name. This applies also to periodicals received from societies, clubs, and other institutions, in exchange for the Himalayan Journal.
VII. Back Numbers of the Himalayan Journal
Back numbers of the Journal, vols, i-vi, are available to members of the Club at half-price, plus postage. They may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary in India for Rs. 3 and from the Honorary Editor in England for 4j. 6d.
VIII. The Himalayan Journal, Vol. IX, 1937
It is hoped to publish the ninth volume of the Himalayan Journal in April 1937. All papers and other communications for publication must reach either the Honorary Editor, Lieut.-Colonel Kenneth Mason, School of Geography, Mansfield Road, Oxford, or the Assistant Honorary Editor, J. B. Auden, Esq., Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, by the 31st December 1936, and earlier, if possible. Sketch- maps should be sent to accompany articles, if necessary; they should be clearly drawn in Indian ink. Photographs for publication should be half-plate size or larger, printed on glossy bromide paper, and should show as much contrast as possible.
Members who have given permanent addresses in India, and who expect to be in England in April or May 1937, should send their home addresses to the Honorary Editor. Members are asked to check their initials and the entries against their names in the Annual List of Members, and to send any corrections to the Honorary Secretary. Responsibility for non-delivery of the Journal cannot be accepted if change of address is not notified. Considerable expense is caused to the Club in readdressing Journals returned through the post.
IX. Library Notices
It is regretted that no list of books added to the Library since the 31st December 1934 has been received for publication in the Journal.