Library Notices

Books Added to the Library
(1st January to 31 st December 1933)

Author Title Presented by Classification
Auden, J. B. Notes on the Study of Glaciers. Author. Geology and Geophysics.
Bauer, Paul. Um den Kantsch. Author. Mountaineering, Eastern Himalaya.
Dainelli, Giotto. Buddhists and Glaciers of Western Tibet. Purchased. Tibet.
Fellowes, Air- Commodore P. F.M.,and others. First Over Everest; The Houston- Mount Everest Expedition, 1933. Purchased. Eastern Himalaya.
Glennie, E. A. Gravity Anomalies and the Structure of the Earth's Crest. Surveyor-General of India. Survey of India,

Gorrie, R. M. The Indian Forest Records; The Sutlej Deodar, Its Ecology and Timber Production. Author. Botany.
Lobanov-Rostov sky, Prince A. Russia and Asia. F. F. Fergusson, Esq. Northern Asia.
Mason, Kenneth. The Geography of Current Affairs. Author. Geography.
Rawling, S. O. Infra-Red Photography. F. F. Fergusson, Esq. Photography.
Smith, B. W. Pioneers of Mountaineering. Purchased. Mountaineering.
Wilson, Claude. An Epitome of Fifty Years' Climbing. Author. Mountaineering, World-wide.


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