The Fifty-third Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, 21st April 1982, at Scindia House, Ballard Estate, Bombay. Following names were proposed and elected:


President A. D. Moddie
Vice-Presidents R. E. Hawkins
M. H. Mehta
Col. B. S. Sandhu
Honorary Treasurer S. K. Damania
Honorary Secretary J. C. Nanavati
Honorary Local Secretaries
India :
N. B. Parekh
Bhutan R. D. Singh
Calcutta Joydeep Sircar
Darjeeling E. D. Avari
Delhi Sudhir Sahi
Garhwal Col B. S. Sandhu
Manali John Banon
Srinagar Sat Paul Sahni
Australia & New Zealand W. W. Deacock
Czechoslovakia V. Smida
France Jean Coudray
Great Britain R. G. Pettigrew
Japan Y. Mita
Italy Prof Ardito Desio
Spain Jose Paytubi
Switzerland E. A. Bolinder
West Germany Hans-Dieter Greul
U.S.A. : East A. J. Kauffman
West Nicholas Clinch


Members of Committee

C. D. Danthi S. P. Mahadevia
Brig. Gyan Singh K. K. Guha
Harish Kapadia K. N. Naoroji
Capt M. S. Kohli, I.N., AVSM P. A. Shah
Cdr. Joginder Singh Lt Gen. Mathew Thomas A.V.S., V.S.M.


Additional Members of Balloting Committee

R. E. Hotz
Dr H. V. R. Iengar
Prof. C. K. Mitra


Other Appointments:

Honorary Editor .. .. Harish Kapadia
Honorary Asstt. Editor .. .. R. E. Hawkins
Honorary Librarian .. .. W. M. Aitken
Hon. Asstt. Librarian - Bombay .. .. Vincent James
Honorary Equipment Officer .. .. Arun P. Samant
Hon Asstt Equipment Officers Calcutta .. Sanatan Bhattachaiya
Delhi .. R. D. Bhattacharji


Honorary Members
During the year following persons were elected Honorary Members :

Prof. Ardito Desio
Y. S. Risoe, M.B.E


Himalayan Journals

Back issues of the Journals Vol 32 to 38 are available for Rs 100/- each plus postage charges. Members are requested to contact the Hon. Secretary, Himalayan Club, P.O. Box 1905, Bombay 400 001, India.

Grindlays Bank Mountain Scholarship

During the year 5 persons were awarded scholarships l'or training und 4 persons for participation in biosphere reconnaissance expedition.

Club Sponsorship

The Club sponsored following expeditions during 1982 :

  1. Sri Kailash Expedition 1982 led by Shashank K. Kulkarni. The two-man expedition climbed the 22,744 ft mountain on 5 October.
  2. Neora Valley Biosphere Reconnaissance Expedition led by K. K. Guha: 16-member team traversed the hitherto unexplored Neora valley situated in the Kalimpong region near the trijunction of Bhutan, Sikkim and North Bengal. The expedition made observations of the flora and fauna and collected specimens.



6 March: Homesh Bhattacharji gave a slide-show on his visits to Chango basin in Kinnaur region of Himachal Pradesh.

21 April: Shailesh Mahadevia gave an slide-illustrated talk on 'Himalayan Region around Narayan Ashram, Dist. Pithoragadh and Himalayan Flowers.'

3 September: J. C. Nanavati and Harish Kapadia gave an slide illustrated talk on their trek to Darma valley, eastern Kumaon in May-June 1982.

17 September: Shailesh Mahadevia presented an audio-visual show on his pilgrimage to Kailash and Manasarovar in August 1982, which included a parikrama of both.

12 October: Chandrasinh Danthi, Lalana Lakhani and Ami Shroff showed their slides of the flora in the Valley of Flowers in Garhwal.

14 December: Shashank Kulkarni. gave an illustrated talk on a two-man ascent of Sri Kailash (22,744 ft) in Gangotri region.


7 March : One-day seminar -.yas organized on the theme 'Himalaya'.
R. D. Bhattacharji showed slides on Kailash-Manasarover.
Dr S. C. Manachandra of AIIMS, spoke on 'Mountain Illnesses and their treatment'. Rekha and Rahul Sharma gave an illustrated talk on Chango Glacier.
Lt Col Balwant Sandhu spoke on 'Shivling' with slides.
A panel discussion took place on 'The Vanishing Himalaya'. On the panel were H. C. Sarin, Lt Gen A. M. Sethna, Duleep Matthai.

23 March : Nandu Manjeshwar gave an illustrated talk on Bhutan.

29 June: Pius Fisher showed slides on his visit to Ladakh, Amar nath and Pindari glacier.

24 August : Following films were shown :

  1. Floating Home oi birds of Sri Lanka.
  2. The Last Roundup on Asiatic Elephant.

10 November : The following Films were screened.
'The Face of the mountain.'
'Swinging on skis.'

2 December : Y. Zaheer and S. Saith showed slides of their expedition to Chango glacier.

15 December : Herbert Tichy addressed the Club gathering.


11 January : T. H. Braham presented slides of the 1958 Minapin Expedition in Karakoram.

17 June : P. K. Ganguly, D. K. Bannerjee and B. K. Ghosh showed slides of Charang, Borasu and Jamnotri Kanta passes.



Printed in India by S. V. Limaye at India Printing Works, Fort, Bombay 400 023 and published by J. C. Nanavati, Hon. Secretary, for The Himalayan Club, P.O. Box 1905, Bombay 400 001.


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