(1st February 1929.)

Author. Title. Presented by Classification.
Abraham, G. D. The Complete Mountaineer. Col. H. Wood. Sport.
Alpine Club Journals (complete as available) Alpine Club. Do.
Do. Do. additional vols. Lt.-Col. E. L. Strutt and Sir G. L. Corbett. Do.
Atkinson, T. W. Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor Purchased. Travels and Description.
Austin, H. H Some Rambles of a Sapper. Statesman Do.
Beal Life of Hiuen-Tsiang. Major M. L. A. Gompertz Biography
Black, C. E. D A Memoir of the Indian Surveys, ' 1875—1890 Surveyor General History.
Boeck Indische Gtet rherfahrten. Purchased. Travels and Description.
Do Indische WunDERW0elt. Do. Do.
Bombay N. H. S. Journals, 1914—1920 (odd numbers). Sir G. L. Corbett. Natural History
Bonin Les Royaumes des Neiges. Purchased. Travels and Description.
Buck, E. J. Simla Past -and Present. Author. History.
Burrard, Gerald Big Game Hunting in the Himalayas and Tibet. Sir G. L. Corbett. Sport.
Burrard and Hayden A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet, Surveyor General. Geography and Travels.
Burrard, S. G. A Note on the Different Methods by which hills can be represented on maps. Do. Survey & Topography.
Burrard, S. G. The Attraction of the Himalaya Mountains upon the Plumb-line in India. Surveyor General. Geodesy.
Do. On the Origin of the Himalaya Mountains. Do. Do.
Candler, Edmund .. The Unveiling of Lhasa. Purchased. Travels and Description.
Do. On the Edge of the World. Do. Do.
Close, C. F. and Winterbotham, H. St. J. L. Text Book of Topographical and Geographical Surveying. Kenneth Mason. Survey & Topography.
Conolly Travels in the North of India. A. E. B. Parsons. Travels and Description.
Cowie, H. M. A Criticism of Oldham's Memoir, " The Structure of the Himalayas." Surveyor General. Geodesy.
Cumming, C. F. G. In the Himalayas and on the Indian Plains. Purchased. Travels and Description.
Darrah, H. Z. Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir. Do. Sport.
David-Neel, A. My Journey to Lhasa. Do. Travels and Description.
Dewar, Douglas Game bird’s. Statesman. Ornithology.
Do. Indian Birds' Nests. Messrs. Thacker, Spink & Co. Do.
Doughty, Marion A foot through the Kashmir Valley. Purchased. Travels and Description.
Dracott, Alice E. Simla Village Tales or Folk Tales from the Himalayas. Do. Folk-lore.
Duke, J. Kashmir Handbook. Sir Clement Hindley. Guide-book.
Featherstone, B.K. An Unexplored Pass. Purchased. Travels and Description.
Filchner, W. Wetterleuchten in Osten Author Do.
Finn, Frank Sterndale’s Mammalia of India. Messrs. Thacker, Spink & Co. Zoology.
ForbesM. C. To Kulu and Back. Sir Clement Hindley. Guide book.
Fox, Frank Italy To-day. Sig. Ugo Tommasi Travels and Description.
Grenard, F. Tibet and the Tibetians. Col. H.Wood. Do.
Hamilton, Angus In Abor Jungles. Purchased. Do.
Hervey, Mrs, The Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Tibet, China and Kashmir (3 vols.). Do. Do.
Hingston, R. W. G. A Naturalist in Hindustan. Do. Do.
Holdich, Sir T. H, Political Frontiers and Boundary Making. Surveyor General. Geography and Travels.
Do. The Gates of India (2 copies). Author. Do.
Do. The Indian Borderland (2 copies). Do. History.
Hunter, W. W. Life of Brian Houghton Hodgson. (Unknown.) Biography.
Hunter, J. de Graff Formulae for Atmospheric Refraction and the Application to Terrestrial Refraction and Geodesy, Author. Geodesy.
Do. The Earth's Axes and Triangulation Do. Do.
Hutchison Guide to Dalhousie, Chamba and the Inner Mountains between Simla and Kashmir. Sir Clement Hindley. Guide book.
Lawrence The Valley of Kashmir. Do. Travels and Descriotion.
Legendre, A.F. Massif Sino-Thibetain. Purchased. Do.
Do. Au Yunnan. Do. Do.
Leo, Fitzgerald Guide to Dharmsala, Kangra Vally and Kulu. Sir Clement Hindley. Guide book.
Longstaff, T. G. Twenty Years After. Author. Travels and Description.
Markham, C.R. A Memoir on the Indian Surveys. 1878. Surveyor General. History.
Mason, Kenneth Routes in Western Himalayas, Kashmir etc. Author. Guide book.
Do. The Thompson Stereo-plottre and Its Use. Do. survey & topography.
Do. The Stereographic Survey of the Shaksgam. Do. Do.
Do. Kishen Singh and the Indian Explorers. Do. History.


Author. Title. Presented by Classification.
Mason, Kenneth A Hundred Years of Himalayan Exploration. Author. History.
Mason, Kenneth, and Stein, Sir Aurel. Johnson's Suppressed Ascent' of E 61. Kenneth Mason Geography and Travels.
Mason and Hingston Completion of the Link connecting the Triangulations of India and Russia, Do. Travels and Description.
Massieu Nepal et Pays Himalayen. Purchased. Do.
Meyer-Illmersdorf In Talern und Hohen des Himalaya. Do.
Montgomerie, T. G, Report on the Mussoorie and Landour, Kumaon, etc., Surveys, 1869-70. Surveyor General. Survey & Topography.
Morris, C. J. Some Valleys and Glaciers in Hunza. Author. Travels and Description.
Do. The Gorge of the Arun. Do. Do.
Naillen, A, vander On the Heights of Himalaya, Purchased, Do.
Noble .. Siberian Days, Statesman, Do.
Noel, J. B. L. Through Tibet to Everest. Purchased. do.
Northey, W. Brook, and Morris, C. J. The Gurkhas. 0. J. Morris, Do.
Odell, N. E. Observations on the Rocks and Glaciers on Mount Everest. Author. Geology.
Pigot, R, Twenty-five Years Big Game Hunting, Statesman. Sport.
Pollok and Thorn Wild Sports of Burma and Assam. Col H. Wood. Do.
Rawling, C. 0, The Great Plateau. Do. Travels and Description.
Remmusat Pilgrimage of Fa Hian. Major A. E. B. Parsons. History.
Robertson, C. L, ., A Note on the Representation of Hills, Surveyor General, Topography.
RonaSdshay .. On the Outskirts of Empire in Asia. Purchased. Travels and Description
Ruttledge, H., Long staff,T. G., and Wilson, R. C. The Nanda Devi Group, etc. Brigadier R. C. Wilson. Travels and Description,
Schonberg, Von Travels in India and Kashmir, 2 vols. Purchased. Do.
Ski Club of India .. Annual of 1927-28. Ski Club of India, Sport.
Stein, Sir Aurel .. .. Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu. (Appendices, K. Mason and J. de G. Hunter.) Surveyor General. Travels and Description.
Stuart Baker Mishi the Man Eater. Statesman. Sport,
Survey of India Records of the Survey of India, Vols. I to XXI.
Most of these contain some matter of Himalayan interest, especially the following :
Vol. IV. Explorations on the N. E. Frontier, 1911—1913.
Vol. VI. The Indo-Russian Triangulation Connection, 1913.
Vol. VIII (2 parts) Explorations in Tibet and Neighbouring Regions, 1865—1892,
Vol. XX. The War Record, 1914-1920.
Vol. XXI (part ii) Reconnaissance Survey — .inJEhutan and S, Tibet, 1822, „
Surveyor General. Survey & Topography.
Do. Catalogue of Maps. Surveyor General. Catalogue.
Do. Geodetic Report, Vol. I, 1922—25, Do. Geodesy,
Do. The First Survey of Nepal and Skeleton Map of Nepal. Do. Survey & Topography.
Do. Triangulation in India and Adjacent Countries :—
Sheets 43-E (Sazin), 43-F (Abbottabad), 43-G (Rawalpindi), 43-H, Addendum to 43-H, 43-I (Gilgit0, 430J (Srinagar), 43-K )Punch), (jammu), 43-M (Skardu), 43 N (Dras), 43-O (Anantnag), 43-P (gurdaspur), 52-A (K2-A (K2), 52-b (Kargil), 52-C (Umasi La), 52-D (Chamba) 52-CE (Teram Kangri), 52-F (leh), 52-G (more), 52-H (Baralacha la), 52-I and J (kushku Maidan and Lower Chang- Chenmo), 52-K (Pangong Tso), 52-L (Tso morari), 52-m (AksaiChin), 52-N (Lonak La), 52-O (Rudok), 52-P (Tashingong).
These pamphlets contain the latitudes, longitudes and heights of points and stations fixed by triangulation by the Survey of India. Brief introductions contain a description of the area, histiry of its exploration, climate, best season for travel, bibliogaphy and other maters of Himalayan interest.
Survey of India Report on the trans-Himalayan Explorations, 1875-1878. Surveyor General. Travels and Description.
Do. Trans-Himalayan Explorations during 1870, Dehra Dun, 1871. Do. Do.
Do. Do. 1878, Calcutta,1880. Do. Do.
Tandy, E.A. The Simla Estates Boundary Survey (Scale 50 ft. to 1 in,). Do. Survey and Topography.
Tombazi, n. An account of a photographic Expedition to the Southern glaciers of kangchenjunga in Sikkim himalaya. Author. Travels and Description.
Trotter, h. Account of Survey operations in Eastern Turkestan in connection with mission to Tarkand and Kashgar, 1873-73. Surveyor General. Geography and Travels.
Visser-Hooft, Jenny Among the karakoram Glaciers. Author. Do.
Ward, A. E. The Sportman’s Guide to Kashmir and ladak. Sir Clement Hindley. Sport.
Whistler, Hugh Popular Handbook of Indian Birda. Author. Ornithology.
Wilson, R. C. Kailas Parbat and Two Passes of the Kumaon Himalaya. Do. Travels and Description.
Wood, Capt. H. Report on the identification and Nomencalature of the Himalayan Peaks as seen from Katmandu, Nepal. Do. Geography and Travels.
Wood, Major H. Exploration in the eastern Krakoram. Do. Travels and Description.
Workman, fanny Bullock and Workman, William Hunter. Two Summers in the Ice Wilds of Eastern Karakoram. M. L. A. Gompertz. Do.
Do. Ice-bound Heights of the mustagh. Do. Do.
Younghusband and Molyneux Kashmir. The following typescripts have been Presented. Purchased. Do.
Parsons, A. E. B. Leh to Kashgar. Author. Do.
Rundall, H. Week-end Rambles and Scrambles in the Kangra Himalaya. Do. Do.
Shewan, D. G. P. A trip to the Baspa Valley. Do. Do.
Spalding, W. B. A Trip to the Chaur. Do. Do.
Officaial Report. Report of the Enquiry into the Death of the major H.D. Minchinton. Adjutant General. Histiry.


The Books contained in the above list are available by application to the Librarian, The Himalayan Club, C/o The Director, Frontier Circle, Survey of India, Simla, and should be returned to him when done with.

The following books are available by application to the Hon. Local Secretary, The Himalayan Club, 10, Clive Bow, Calcutta, and should be returned to him :—


Author. Book.
Abraham, G. D. The Complete Mountaineer.
Benson, C. E. Mountaineering Ventures.
Carr, H. R., and Lister, G. A. The Mountains of Snowdonia.
Collie, J. N. Climbing on the Himalaya.
Conway, W. M. Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram Himalayas.
Mumm, A. L. Five Months in the Himalaya.
Neruda, M. N. The Climbs of Norman Neruda.
Pye, D. .. George Leigh Mallory.
Rundall, J. W. Weekend Rambles and Scrambles in the Kangra Himalaya.
Visser-Hooft, J. .. Among the Karakoram Glaciers.
Workman, F. B., and W. H. Peaks and Glaciers of Nun Kun.
Young, G. W. Mountain Craft.
Young, G. W. On High Hills.
Younghusband, Francis The Epic of Mount Everest.


Lists of Books available in the Libraries of Army Headquarters, the United Service Institution, or the Survey of India have been circulated to members separately.

The Committee of the Club is making every effort to allot as much money as possible for the purchase of books, but it is hoped that purchases will be liberally supplemented by presentation copies. It is also hoped that all author members who have not already done so will present copies of their publications, and that those members who can spare books of Himalayan interest from their own libraries will remember that used copies are not less welcome than new.

Printed by Thacker's Press and Directories, Ltd., 6, Mangoe Lane, Calcutta, and Published by
J. Chaplin, of Thacker, Spink & Co., 3, Esplanade, Calcutta.

Sketch Map to illustrate Himalayan Journal Vol I


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