Information and Intelligence—Equipment Sub—Committee—The Himalayan Journal, 1930—The Alpine Journal— The Italian Alps.
I. Information and Intelligence.
A. Route Books and Guides.
ONE of the principal objects of the Club, as stated in the Memorandum of Association, is " to collect, classify and publish descriptions of Himalayan routes and other information relating to the Himalaya."
The basis on which it is proposed to work is " Routes in the Western Himalaya, Kashmir, etc." by Lieutenant-Colonel T. G. Montgomerie, R.E., F.R.S., generally known as the Survey of India Route BooK. A revised and enlarged edition covering Gilgit, Kashmir Punch, Ladakh and the routes to Central Asia from these districts, was prepared by Major Kenneth Mason and published by the Survey of India in 1922 as " Routes in the Western Himalaya, Kashmir, etc., Vol. I." A second edition of this volume has just been published (April 1929), Over 50 per cent, of the routes have been checked and corrected on the ground since 1922.
It now proposed :—
The Honorary Editor will be in general charge of this worK. Honorary Assistant Editors have been appointed to collect details of certain districts. Members who have first-hand knowledge of any district, marked " vacant " in the list given below, and are willing to undertake the Assistant Editorship, are invited to communicate with the Honorary Editor, 13, Wood Street, Calcutta.
The Honorary Editor will be very grateful if members would send either to him or to the Assistant Editor for the District any notes or diaries of their Himalayan travels, both past and future, that are likely to be of use for this worK. Notes and diaries, when sent in original, will be copied and returned, if desired.
Any member proposing to travel in the Himalaya may apply to the Honorary Editor or the Assistant Editor for the District, who will furnish him with all available information about the routes by which he proposes to travel, and will also tell him what further information is required about existing routes, and what new routes in the district might usefully be explored. In this way, it is hoped, the available information about each district will continually be supplemented and extended.
Club Notices.
Members finding any error that should be corrected or change that should be recorded in existing publications or maps, or in information with which they have been furnished, are requested to report it to the Honorary Editor or Assistant Editor for the District.
B. Local Secretaries and Correspondents.
The organization which was adopted at the inaugural meeting of the Club, is being developed as follows :
C. Maps.
Survey of India Map Catalogues have been issued to Honorary Local Secretaries and Correspondents, who will-inform members what maps are available for the districts that they are visiting, and assist and advise them in the purchase of their requirements. All maps published by the Survey of India may be obtained from the Officer-in-charge, Map Record and Issue Office, 13, Wood Street, Calcutta. Maps mounted on cloth or to fold should be ordered in advance of the date on which they are required.
D. Appointments.
The following members have already agreed to act as Local Secretaries or Correspondents :—
Local Secretaries.
Kashmir | Dr. E. P. Neve, f.r.c.s. (Edin.), Mission Hospital, Srinag&r, Kashmir. |
Chamba | Lieut.-Col. J. C. Coldstream, Chamba State, via Dalhousie, Punjab. |
Simla | A. K. Cargill, Esq., C/o f. W. Secretariat, Lahore and Simla. |
Kumaun | Hugh Euttledge, Esq., I.C.S., Settlement Officer, Almora. |
Darjeeling | Lieut.-Col. H. W. Tobin, D.S.O., O.B.E., 66 The Glen," Darjeeling. |
Calcutta | G. B. Gourlay, Esq., M.C., 10, Clive Row, Calcutta. |
Local Correspondents.
Lahore | H. M. Glover, Esq., Forest Office, Lahore. |
London | Lieut.-Col. E. L. Strutt, C.B.E., D.S.O., 12, Somers Place, Hyde Park, London, W. 2. |
Meerut | Lieut.-Col. G. K. Gregson, D.S.O., R.A., 28th Field Brigade, Meerut. |
Peshawar | Lieut.-Col. H. L. Haughton, C.I.E., Commanding 10-11th Sikhs, Peshawar. |
Quetta | Lieut.-Col. E. F. Norton, D.S.O., M.C., Staff 'College, Quetta. |
Rawalpindi | Major C. G. Lewis, O.B.E., R.E., Survey of India, Rawalpindi and Murree. |
Waziristan | Brigadier R. C. Wilson, D.S.O., M.C., Manzai Brigade, Manzai, S. Waziristan. |
Scientific and Technical Correspondents.
Archaeology | Sir Aurel Stein, K.C.I.E., Ph.D., d.iitt., D.SC., Corpus Christi College, Oxford. |
Botany | B. 0. Coventry, Esq., Srinagar, Kashmir. |
Entomology | Brigadier W. H. Evans, C.I.E., D.S.O., Headquarters, Western Command, Quetta. |
Fishing and Shooting | Lieut.-Col. H. G. Martin, D.S.O., O.B.E., Staff College, Quetta. |
Folk-lore | H. W. Emerson, Esq., C.I.E., C.B.E., I.C.S., Chief Secretary, Punjab Government, Lahore and Simla. |
Geodesy and Geophysics | Dr. J. de Graaff Hunter, D.SC., M.A., Director, Geodetic Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun. |
Geology and Glaciology | Sir Edwin Pascoe, Kt., D.SC., Director, Survey of India, Calcutta and Simla. |
Meteorology | Dr. C. W. B. Normand, D.SC., General of Observatories, Poona. |
Ornithology | H. Whistler, Esq., CaldbecHouse, battle, Sussex, England. |
Photography | Capt, C. J. Morris, 3rd Q. A- 0. Rifles, Lansdowne, U. P. |
Survey and Maps | Major Kenneth Mason, M.C., R.E., Surveyor General, 13, Wood Street, Calcutta. |
Zoology | Lieut,-Col. C. H. Stockley, o-s.o., o.b.K., 3/14th Punjab Regt., Fort Sandeman, Baluchistan. |
Honorary Assistant Editors.
The Pamirs and K'un Lun. | C. P. Skrine, Esq., I.C.S., H. B. M's Consul- General for Sistan and Kain, Nazratabad (via Mirjawa), and Lieut. G. Sherriff, R.A., Vice-Consul, Kashgar (via Giigit). |
Gilgii Agency. Hunza, Nagar, Giigit, Yasin. | H. J. Todd, Esq., Political Agent, Giigit. |
Darel, Tangir, Astor, to the Babusar, Kamri, and Burzil passes. | J. Barron, Esq., R.A., Kashmir Artillery, Bunji, Giigit Agency. |
Baltistan, Nubra, Ladahh : and Zashar. | Major M. L. A. Gompertz, 3-10th Baluch Regiment, Razani, Waziristan. |
Kashmir Valleys, includ- 1 ing the Kishanganga, the Lolab, the Sind and the Lidar. | J, Kelly, Esq., Aitchison College, Lahore, and Major K. Hadow, M.C., Srinagar, Kashmir. |
Rawalpindi to Murree, the Murree Hills and the Galis. | Vacant |
Abbottabad and Kagan. | Vacant. |
Punch, Jammu, and Udhampur (Kisht-war). | H. L. Wright, Esq., Chief Conservator of Forests, Jammu and Kashmir State, P. 0. Jammu, N. W. Ry., and J. Kelly, Esq., Aitchison College, Lahore. |
Chamba .. | A Lieut.-Col. J. C. Coldstream, Chamba State - via Dalhousie, Puniab. |
Kulu | Vacant |
Lahul and Spiti | Capt. J. S. Lethbridge, R.E., 1st K. G. 0. Sappers and Miners, Roorkee. |
Dharmsala Hills . | Capt. J. W. Rundall, 1-lst K. G. 0. Gurkha Rifles, Attd. 3rd Assam Rifles, Kohima, Naga Hills, Assam. |
Bashahr | Lower— Vacant. Upper—R. Maclagan Gorrie, Esq., P. 0., Nichar, Simla District. |
Simla and Sirmur States | Vacant. |
Mandi State | H. L. Wright, Esq., Chief Conservator, —Forests, Jammu and Kashmir State. |
Kumaun and Tehri Garhwal | H. Ruttledge, Esq., I.C.S., Settlement Officer, Almora, U. P. |
Everest group | Capt. J. G. Bruce, M.C., Staff College, Quetta. |
II. Equipment Sub-Committee.
1904. | Clothing and footwear. |
1905. | Bedding. |
1906. | Camp equipment, tents and furniture. |
1907. | Technical equipment— |
1905. | Mountaineering. |
1906. | Shooting, Fishing. |
1907. | Ski-ing. |
1908. | Photography. |
1908. | Equipment for other pursuits. |
1909. | Food. |
1910. | Kitchen utensils and crockery. |
1911. | Medical stores. |
1912. | Instruments. |
The Committee consists of:—
Brigadier E. C. Wilson, D.S.O., M.C. (Chairman), Brigade Headquarters, Manzai, Waziristan.
Capt. C. I. Curteis, R.A., 11th Light Battery (How.), Ambala.
Capt. C. J. Morris, 3rd Q. A. 0. Gurkha Rifles, Lansdowne, U. P.
Lt.~Col. H. G. Martin, D.S.O., o.b.e,, Staff College, Quetta.
Lieut.-Col. E. F. Norton, D.S.O., M.C., Staff College, Quetta.
III. " The Himalayan Journal," 1930.
IT is hoped to publish the second number of The Himalayan Journal in April 1930. Contributions should reach the Honorary Editor, 13, Wood Street, Calcutta, if possible not later than the 31st December, 1929.
It is hoped that all members travelling in the Himalaya or adjoining ranges in 1929 will send notes of their journeys. The Editor will be glad if members would type their papers and carefully check geographical names, and the names of species, etc., before submission.
IV. " The Alpine Journal."
THE ALPINE CLUB has generously presented to THE HIMALAYAN CLUB a set of back numbers of The Alpine Journal, that are still in stocK. Lieut.-Col. E. L. Strutt and Sir Geoffrey Corbett have made up some of the missing numbers. The Committee of THE HIMALAYAN CLUB will be glad to receive any of the following back numbers td complete the set. They should be sent to the Hon. Librarian, The Himalayan Club, Simla.
Nob. 1—28, 33—36, 43, 62, 65, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75—78, 83, 85? 89, 90, 95—97, 99, 101, 104, 107, 110, 116, 129, 130, 134, 136, 142, 143, 148, 159, 162, 170, 188, 190, 203, 219, 222, 223.
The dates of these are Up to Feb. 1870 ; May 1871; Aug. 1872 ; Feb. 1874; Nov. 1878; Aug. 1879 ; May, Aug. 1880; May, Aug. 1881 ; Feb., May, Aug., Nov. 1882 ; Feb., Aug. 1884 ; Aug., Nov. 1885 ; Feb., May, Aug. 1887 ; Feb., Aug. 1888 ; May 1889 ; Feb., Nov. 1890 ; May 1892 ; Aug., Nov. 1895 ; Nov. 1896 ; May 1897 ; Nov. 1898 ; Feb. 1899 ; May 1900 ; Feb., Nov. 1903 ; Nov. 1905 ; May, Nov. 1910; Feb. 1914 ; 1919 ; May, Nov. 1921.
V. The Italian Alps.
THERE have been many complaints in recent years that travellers in the Alps are obstructed and molested by the Italian authorities when crossing the Italian frontier by mule or glacier passes. Through the courtesy of the Royal Consul-General for Italy in India, the Honorary Secretary has been furnished by the Italian Government, with a complete list of frontier passes by which passage is permitted to persons provided with the prescribed documents. The list in published on pages 3888-91 of the Official Gazette of Italy, No. 190, dated the 16th August, 1928. Further information can be obtained from the Honorary Secretary. Members of the Club visiting the Alps are advised to provide themselves with the prescribed documents and to refrain from crossing the Italian frontier by any pass which is not included in the list.