(1st February 1930—31at December 1930.)
Author. | Title. | Presented- by | Classification. |
Archer | Tours in Upper India (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | India and Himalaya. |
Buckingham, J. S | Buckingham's Travels. | Purchased. | Western Asia. |
Burnes, A. | Travels in Bokhara (3 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Do. |
Coventry, B. 0 | Wild Flowers of Kashmir (Series III). | Author. | Botany. |
Cunningham, A. .. | Ladak. | H. E. Field-Marshal SirWillia Birdwood. | Western Himalaya. |
Davidson, C. J. C. | Travels in Upper India (2 Vols.). | Do. | Central Himalaya. |
Dunmore | The Pamirs (2 Vols.). | Purchased. | Central Asia. |
Dutton, E. A. T | Kenya Mountain. | Statesman. | Mountaineering. |
Fane, H. E. | Five Years in India (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | India and Himalaya. |
Ferrier, J. P. | History of the Afghans. | Do. | Western Asia. |
Fraser, J. B. | The Himala Mountains. | Do. | Central Himalaya. |
Galwan Rassul | Servant of Sahibs. | Editor. | Central Asia. |
Guillarmod, Dr. J. Jacot | Six Mois dans l'Himalaya. | Mme. Jacot Guillarmod. | Karakoram. |
Do. | Au Kangchinjunga. | Do. | Eastern Himalaya, |
Hugel, Von | Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Western Himalaya. |
Knight.. | Diary of a Pedestrian. | Do. | Do. |
Knight, E. F. | Where Three Empires Meet. | Purchased. | Do. |
Landor, H. S. | In the Forbidden Land (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field,Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Tibet. |
Lattimore, Owen | The Desert Road to Turkistan. | Mrs. K. E. Barrett. | Central Asia. |
Lloyd, G. | From Caunpoor to the Himalaya (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Central Himalaya. |
Malcolm, H. | Travels in South-Eastern Asia (2 Vols.). | Do. | Eastern Asia. |
Mason, Kenneth | Glaciers of the Karakoram. | Author. | Geology and Geophysics. |
Do. | Nomenclature in the Karakoram. | Do. | Geography. |
Masson, C. | Baluchistan, Afghanistan and the Punjab (3 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Western Asia. |
M'Gregor, Col.C.M. | Journey through Khorassan (2 Vols.). | Purchased. | Western Asia. |
Moorcroft | Travels in the Himalayas (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | India and Himalaya. |
Mundy .. | Sketches of India (2 Vols.). | Do. | Do. |
Norden, H. | Africa's Last Empire. | Statesman. | World-wide. |
Oldham, T. | Geology of the Khasi Hills. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Geology and Geophysios. |
Old Punjaubee | The Punjaub. | Do. | India and Himalaya. |
Parker, Eric | Shooting by Moor, Field and Shore. | Statesman. | Shooting. |
Parkes, Fanny | Wanderings of a Pilgrim (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Central Himalaya. |
Pascoe, Sir E. | General Report, Geol. Survey, India, 1928. | Author. | Geology and Geophysics. |
Risley, H. | The People of India. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | India and Himalaya. |
Ross, D. | The Land of the Five Rivers and Sindh. | Do. | Do. |
Schuler | Turkistan (2 Vols.). | Purchased. | Central Asia. |
Skinner, T. | Excursions in India (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Central Himalaya. |
Smythe, F. S. | The Kangchenjunga Adventure. | Messrs. Victor Gollancz. | Eastern Himalaya. |
Stein, Sir Aurel | Innermost Asia : Its Geography as a Factor in History. | Author. | Central Asia. |
Do. | Archaeological Exploration in Chinese Turkistan. | Prof. S. G. Dunn. | Do. |
Steinback | The Punjaub. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | India and W. Himalaya. |
Survey of India | Geodetic Report, Vol. IV, 1927- 28 | Surveyor-General. | Survey of India. |
Do. | Do. Vol. V, 1928-29. | Do. | Do. |
Sykes, Ella C. | Through Persia on a Side-saddle. | Purchased. | Western Asia. |
Sykes, Sir Mark | The Caliph's Last Heritage. | Do. | Do. |
Do. | The Travels and Adventures of Dr. Wolf (2 Vols.). | Do. | Do. |
Taylor, W. | Scenes and Adventures in Afghanistan. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Western Asia. |
Thomson, T. | Western Himalaya and Tibet. | Do. | Western Himalaya. |
Torrens | Travels in Tartary. | Do. | Central Asia. |
Trinkler, Dr. Emil | Through the Heart of Afghanistan. | Purchased. | Western Asia. |
Vigne, G. T. | Travels in Kashmir (2 Vols.). | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Western Himalaya. |
Ward, Col. John .. .. | With the Die-hards in Siberia | Purchased. | Eastern Asia. |
Wood, J, | Journey to the Source of the Oxus. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood, | Central Asia. |
Woolrych-Perowne, J. T. | Russian Hosts and English Guests in Central Asia. | Purchased. | Do. |
Wright, T. | Travels of Marco Polo. | H. E. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood. | Do. |
Various | The Climber's Club Bulletin, Nos. 2, 3, 5, 7, | Prof. S. G. Dunn. | Mountaineering. |
Do. | The Geographical Journal, 1911 (Nov., Dec.), 1912—1921, 1922 (except April), 1923—1928 (incomplete). | Do. | Geography. |
Do. | Kangchenjunga Expedition (1930) (Newspaper Cuttings). | Capt. A. E. Armitage. | Eastern Himalaya. |
Do. | Papers relating to the Shyok Flood, 1929. (Typescript reports). | Kenneth Mason. | Karakoram. |