The fact that this issue is so late in appearing is not entirely due to the slackness of the Editor. The chief cause has been the glut of expeditions, mostly successful, to the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush. It was essential to present the stories before they became stale news and certain contributors were perforce delayed.

The decision that we should print the Journal in India has also meant certain unavoidable delays owing to the Editor having to correspond with the printers several thousand miles away. These delays have been reduced to a minimum by the willing and efficient co operation of Mr. Norman Ellis, of the Baptist Mission Press, our new printers in Calcutta. Valuable assistance has also been rendered by our Honorary Secretary, Mr. T. H. Braham. In spite of the changed arrangements for printing the Journal, the Oxford University Press remain as our Publishers and we consider ourselves fortunate in preserving through their Calcutta branch our long and happy association with them. It has inevitably taken a little time for the new arrangements to get into their stride, but it is hoped that Volume XX will be out in good time. Because of the delay in bringing out this issue, it is being styled Volume. XIX—1955-56.

We would like to record our thanks to all those organizations who have reciprocated, particularly the Alpine Club. If we have anywhere omitted to acknowledge where we should, we humbly apologize for the omission.