IT is devoutly hoped that the issue of this volume of our Journal will help to dispel from the minds of members the unnecessarily dismal apprehensions expressed last year in vol. xiv. That issue was, compared with most of its predecessors, slim and puny; this one, though again belated for lack of material and tardy arrival of copy, has been rather better nourished and is more robust. There have been more expeditions than we expected and, in addition to the welcome contributions from our own members, the Swiss Stiftung and other organizations have been generous with their help. Our special thanks are due to M. Ernst Feuz of Zurich. Nevertheless, but for the persuasion exercised early this year by Tilman, which in truth came near to goading, vol. xv might have been stillborn. Friendly co-operation and assistance has also come from Mr. K. Menon, late of the Indian Political Department and now Minister for External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations at New Delhi, and also from Harish Dayal, Political Officer in Sikkim. Francis Leeson has been indefatigable in making and adapting a number of maps. To the above and to all others who have helped our deep gratitude is extended.
As for vol. xvi: it is true that several expeditions arc in the planning and that restrictions on access to Nepal have, in certain cases and on special grounds, been relaxed. Against that, persisting tension between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir question does not tend to facilitate approach to the Western Himalaya, Karakorum, Chitral Sinkiang, &c. We have been promised some copy but material may be hard to come by. However, at the very worst, we feel the issue following this should be dated no later than 1950-1.