I. Addresses
All communications for the Honorary Secretary or for the Honorary Treasurer should be addressed to them as under:
Honorary Secretary/Treasurer,
The Himalayan Club,
c/o General Staff Branch, Army Headquarters, Simla.
Books presented to the Library, including those sent for review, and all communications for the Librarian should be sent to
The Librarian, The Himalayan Club,
c/o Officers' Library, Army Headquarters, Simla.
Communications for the Honorary Editor, and papers for the Himalayan Journal should be addressed to
Lieut.-Golonel Kenneth Mason, m.c.,
Honorary Editor, The Himalayan Club,
School of Geography,
Mansfield Road, Oxford.
II. Appointments
The following are the Honorary Local Secretaries, Honorary Local Correspondents, Technical and Scientific Correspondents, and Officers of the Eastern Section Committee for 1939.
Honorary Local Secretaries.
Kashmir F. A. Betterton, Esq., c/o Postmaster, Srinagar, Kashmir.
Chamba Lieut.-Colonel H. S. Strong, Chamba, via Dalhousie, Punjab
Kumaun Captain R. Lawder, 1st Kumaun Rifles.
Garhwal P. Mason, Esq., i.c.s., Deputy Commissioner, Garhwal, Lansdowne.
Darjeeling T. B. Jameson, Esq., Rungneet, Darjeeling.
Eastern Section Mrs. H. P. Townend, Commissioner's House, Chinsurah, Bengal.
Honorary Local Correspondents.
London Lieut.- | ColonelE.L.Strutt,c.b.e.,d.s.o., 12 Somers Crescent, Hyde Park, London, W. 2. |
Quetta Lieut.- | Colonel E. A. L. Gueterbock,r.e., Staff College, Quetta. |
The Pamirs and K'un Lun | C. P. Skrine, Esq., o.b.e., i.c.s., Resident, Madras States, Trivandrum, and G. Sheriff, Esq., c/o Postmaster, Srinagar, Kashmir. |
Gilgit Agency | Lieut. D. M. B. Smart, Gilgit Scouts, Gilgit. |
Baltistan, Nubra, Ladakh, and Zaskar | Brigadier M. L. Gompertz, H.Q. Western Independent District, Quetta. |
Chamba | Lieut.-Colonel H. S. Strong, Chamba, via Dalhousie, Punjab. |
Kulu, Lahul, and Spiti . | Major D. G. Lowndes, 1st Royal Garhwal Rifles, Wana, Waziristan, andA. P. F. Hamilton, Esq., i.f.s., c/o Forest Office, 'Talland', Simla. |
Dharmsala Hills | Major J. W. Rundall, 2nd-in-Com- mand and Adjutant, Kolhapur Infantry, Kolhapur. |
Bashahr | R. Maclagan Gorrie, Esq., i.f.s., c/o Chief Conservator of Forests, Lahore. |
Scientific and Technical Correspondents.
Archaeology | Sir Aurel Stein, k.c.i.e., c/o Mrs. P. S. Allen, 22 Manor Place, Oxford, England. |
Botany | B. O. Coventry, Esq., New Hall, Little Dole, Henfield, Sussex, England. |
Fishing and Shooting | Vacant. |
Geodesy and Geophysics | Lieut.-Colonel E. A. Glennie, d.s.o., r.e., Survey of India, No. 6 Drawing Office, Simla. |
Geology and Glaciology | Sir L. L. Fermor, o.b.e., f.r.s., c/o Lloyd's Bank, 6 Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1. |
Medical Zoology | Dr. C. Strickland, m.d., United Service Club, Calcutta. |
Meteorology | Dr. C. W. B. Normand, d.sc., Director- General of Observatories, Poona. |
Ornithology | H. Whistler, Esq., Caldbec House, Battle, Sussex, England, and Dr. S. C. Law, 50 Kailas Bose Street, Calcutta. |
Photography | Major C. J. Morris, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. |
Physiology and Medical Equipment | Dr. Raymond Greene, d.m., m.r.c.s., 8 Upper Wimpole Street, London, W.i. |
Survey and Maps . | Brigadier C. G. Lewis, o.b.e., Surveyor-General of India, 13 Wood Street, Calcutta. |
Zoology and Entomology | Dr. C. F. G. Beeson, D.sc., Forest Research Institute and College, Dehra Dun, U.P. |
Zoology and Entomology | Dr. C. F. G. Beeson, D.sc., Forest Research Institute and College, Dehra Dun, U.P. |
Eastern Section Committee.
Chairman | C. R. Cooke, Esq. |
Honorary Secretary | Mrs. H. P. V. Townend. |
Honorary Treasurer | J. Leslie, Esq |
Honorary Librarian | . Mrs. E. H. Rankin. |
Honorary Secretary (Darjeeling) | T. B. Jameson, Esq. |
Equipment Officer | E. G. Marklew, Esq. |
Members . | Brigadier C. G. Lewis, J. Leslie, Esq., W. Allsup, Esq. |
Applications for books from the Eastern Section should be addressed to
The Honorary Librarian,
The Himalayan Club (Eastern Section),
c/o the Geological Survey,
27 Chowringhee, Calcutta.
III. Himalayan Club Route-books
Co-ordinating Editor:
Captain S. A. Lowman, r.i.a.s.c.,
3 Mill Road, Peshawar.
Volume I. The Western Himalaya (Kashmir to Chamba inclusive). Editor: A. P. F. Hamilton, Esq., m.c., c/o Forest Office, Talland,
Simla, assisted by Lieut. E. C. Thompson, r.c.s., Royal Signals Mess, Quetta.
Volume II. The Central Himalaya (Chamba exclusive to the western border of Nepal).
Editor: Captain R. A. K. Sangster, 3/12th Frontier Force Regiment, Wana, Waziristan, assisted by G. R. Henniker-Gotley, Esq., d.s.o., i.f.s., Forest Bungalow, Abbottabad, and Major D. G. Lowndes, 1st Bn. Royal Garhwal Rifles, Wana, Waziristan.
Volume III. The Eastern Himalaya (from Sikkim eastwards).
Under preparation by the Eastern Section of the Club. It is understood that Captain John Hunt, m.i.o., Midnapore, Bengal, has agreed to take this over from Captain R. A. Gardiner.
IV. Himalayan Club Porters
At a meeting of the Eastern Section Committee of the Himalayan Club held on the 6th February 1939, it was decided to create a superior grade of Himalayan Club Porters, composed of those with considerable climbing experience. It has been suggested that those selected for this special grade shall be known as 'Tigers', and that they shall have badges in the form of a tiger or of a tiger's head. Though the details of this scheme have not yet been fully worked out at the time of going to press, it is suggested that these men shall have special rates of pay under certain circumstances. The Eastern Section Committee invite the help of members of various expeditions which have recently visited the Himalaya to make suggestions and recommendations regarding men who should be included in the superior grade.
The question of the insurance of porters is also being examined by the Eastern Section Committee. In order to get accurate statistics on which to base proposals, the Committee would be glad to have from leaders or transport officers of expeditions which have taken place during the last ten years the following particulars:
The information should be sent to Mrs. H. P. V. Townend, Honorary Secretary, Eastern Section, Himalayan Club, Commissioner's House, Chinsurah, Bengal.
V. Advertisements in the Himalayan Journal
The suggestion is once more made to members of the Himalayan Club that they should deal as far as possible with those firms who support us by advertising in the Himalayan Journal. Members who deal with other firms and find their goods satisfactory would confer a mutual benefit on members of the Club and on the firms concerned by persuading the latter to advertise in the pages of the Journal. The rates may be obtained from either the Honorary Secretary or the Honorary Editor.
VI. Equipment
The Eastern Section of the Himalayan Club keeps a small stock of tents and climbing equipment, which may be hired for a small fee on application to E. G. Marklew, Esq., Equipment Officer, Himalayan Club, 1 Theatre Road, Calcutta. A list of tents and other equipment has been circulated to members in the small pamphlet giving the List of Members. Hire rates may be had on application to the Equipment Officer.
VII. Presentation of Books to the Library
Books presented to the Library, including those sent for review, should be addressed to the Librarian, The Himalayan Club, c/o Officers' Library, Army Headquarters, Simla, and not to any official of the Club by name. This applies also to periodicals received from societies, clubs, and other institutions, in exchange for the Himalayan Journal.
VIII. Back Numbers of the Himalayan Journal
Back numbers of the Himalayan Journal are available to members of the Club at half-price, plus postage. They may be obtained from the Manager, Oxford University Press, B.I. Building, Nichol Road, Bombay, for Rs. 3, or from the Honorary Editor, in England, for 4s. 6d. post free.
IX. The Himalayan Journal, Vol. XII, 1940
It is hoped to publish the twelfth volume of the Himalayan Journal in April 1940. All papers and other communications for publication must reach the Honorary Editor, Lieut.-Colonel Kenneth Mason, School of Geography, Mansfield Road, Oxford, or the Honorary Assistant Editor, J. B. Auden, Esq., Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, by the 31st December 1939, and earlier if possible.
Members who have given permanent addresses in India, and who expect to be in England between April and June 1940, should send their home addresses to the Honorary Editor. Members are also asked to check their initials and the entries against their names in the Annual List of Members, and to send any corrections to the Honorary Secretary. Responsibility for the non-delivery of the Journal cannot be accepted if members do not notify their change of address. Considerable expense has been caused to the Club in the past by re-addressing Journals returned, and duplicate copies cannot be sent except on payment. The Honorary Editor would like to take this opportunity of thanking those members who co-operated with him in these points of detail during the past year.
X. Liaison Officers to Foreign Expeditions
The Himalayan Club is often asked by leaders of foreign expeditions and the External Affairs Department of the Government of India to recommend members of the Himalayan Club to act as liaison officers with foreign expeditions. Normally, all the expenses of the liaison officer have to be met by the expedition to which he is attached.
A request of this kind means that delay occurs while all members of the Club are being circularized, and very short notice is given to members who would like to accept.
It has therefore been decided that a panel will be kept of all members who are interested in acting as liaison officers, provided that they can get leave. All members on this panel will be informed immediately there is any likelihood of a foreign expedition the following year. On receiving this information, any member wishing to be considered as liaison officer should send his name in to the Honorary Secretary.
Will all members desirous of having their names placed on the proposed panel, please inform the Honorary Secretary early.