(Founded on 17th February, 1928)


President J.C. Nanavati
Vice-Presidents K.K. Guha
S. P. Mahadevia
N.D. Jayal
Honorary Treasurer Divyesh Muni
Honorary Secretary A. P. Samant
Members of Committee
K.N. Naoroji Naren Nanda
R. D. Bhattacharji Dhiren Pania
M.H. Contractor Sudhir Sahi
Harish Kapadia Joydeep Sircar
Tanil Kilachand M.S. Soin
Honorary Local Secretaries
Almora N. B. Parekh
Bombay Dhiren M. Pania
Calcutta Prabhat Ganguli
Darjeeling Dorjee Lhatoo
Delhi Vijay Jung Thapa
Manali John Banon
Jammu Sat Paul Sahni
Shimla Col B.S. Sandhu
Nepal Elizabeth Hawley
Pakistan Nazir Sabir
Australia & New Zeland W. M. Deacock
Czechoslovakia V. Smida
France Bonneau Yves
Great Britain R. G. Pettigrew
Japan H. Ohtsuka
Italy Prof. Ardito Desio
Spain Jose Paytubi
South Africa Dr. S.A. Craven
South Korea Sae Bae
Switzerland Eric Bernhardt
Sweden Ake Nilsson
U.S.A. West Nicholas Clinch
East H. Adams Carter
Honorary Editor Harish Kapadia
Honorary Assistant Editor M. H. Contractor
Monesh Devjani
Honorary Librarian W. M. Aitken
Hon. Asstt. Librarian
Bombay Vineeta Muni
Calcutta Susree Kr. Dutta
Hon. Equipment Officer Ashok Shenvi
Hon. Asstt. Equipment Officer
Bombay Anil Chavan
Calcutta Prabhat Ganguli
Delhi Seema Mishra
Additional Members & Balloting Committee
G. Ramchandani Dr H. V. R. Iengar
Prabhat Ganguli Sudhir Sahi



An active year for the Himalayan Club, as usual, with many Sectional Meetings at Bombay (6), Calcutta (4), Delhi and London. The Himalayan Journal Vol. 50 was published in April while The Himalayan Club Newsletter 47 was published on 17 February.


Publication of the 50th volume of the Himalayan Journal was a landmark in the history of the Club. Special articles and features were published. To celebrate the publication of the 50th volume two special books were published and distributed to all subscriber-members of the Club.

Environment Protection of the Himalaya, edited by Aamir AM from Geneva incorporated A Mountaineers' View about the Himalayan environment. Many leading members of the Club contributed to this publication.

Consolidated Index to the Himalayan Journal, Volumes 1-50, was compiled by Dhiren Toolsidas based in New York. It is a major reference work to the contents in the Journal and spans the Himalayan history of this period.

Hon. Librarian's Report (1994)

With the celebration of the 50th volume of the Himalayan Journal in print even the sluggard Hon. Librarian's conscience was pricked when he found his name in the longevity lists. It seems the mystic Kabir's observation that size is no measure of quality could be extended to the linear Lamba hua to kya hua ? (so what, if you are long).

The good news is the twin triumph of the Bombay club 'activists' in producing a printed Consolidated Index to the Himalayan Journal for Volumes 1 to 50, a remarkable labour of love and well-deserving of the erotic sentiments the Journal editor lavished upon it in the Preface. On top of this the Journal editor has compiled an even more fascinating index of matter submitted to the Journal but not necessarily included. For the future researcher these primary documents of aired opinions and sometimes unprintable reactions will prove a goldmine. Readers of Volume 100 will split their sides at the pompousness and pettiness of our self-important ustad and also be privy to the inside story of the Byzantine maze of lust and intrigue that seems inbuilt in large Everest expeditions. It seems today's red bank balances will be replaced by red faces.

An index is not just a basic tool for the time-strapped consulter but a sign that the enthusiam on which the Club is built continues to ride high. D.F.O. Dangar's extraordinary dedication to delineate a range he never visited suggests that even greater than love at first sight is the abiding love in the heart for the Himalaya. Dhiren Toolsidas deserves special mention for the tough grind involved in twice compiling consolidated indexes and he is my man of the year and winner of the man of the match award.

Those other conscientious indexers Ms. G. Pettigrew, Genevieve deSa, Ajay Tambe, Muslim Contractor, Kekoo Colah and Kaivan Mistry should all be aware of the blessings that their labours have released.

The library in Delhi continues to attract the serious student of the Great Range as well as members referring to back-numbers of the Journal.

With each increasing year the library increases in reference value and earlier fears that the impatience of active climbers eager for hardware manuals would mitigate against the long term asset of acquiring titles of a literary bent, seems to be dissipating.

While it can be argued that wizened gents peering over their spectacles at the India International Centre hardly measure up to the Club brief of promoting travel and sport in High Asia (most of them including the Hon. Librarian certainly seem in need of the 'assistance' mentioned therein) it cannot be denied that in the duty to extend knowledge of the mountains grey beards can be an asset.

I conclude on the buoyant note that the 50th year of publication of the Journal and the most valuable by-products of working indexes signifies that the original passion of the Club founders remain undiminished and the quest to discover and describe the secrets of the Himalaya remains a joy.

(Bill Aitken)

The Grindlays Bank Mountain Scholarships were awarded to various trainees. Many new books and items of mountaineering equipment were added to the store.

The Club membership continues to grow beyond 900 members spread over various parts of the world and consisting of many leading mountaineers. The membership is open to all who are interested in various aspects of the Himalaya and are qualified to be members. Full details and forms are available from Hon. Secretary, The Himalayan Club, Post Box No. 1905, Bombay 400001, India. (Full details of the club activities in 1994 are available in the Himalayan Club Newsletter 48).


Printed in India by S. V. Limaye, India Printing Works, India Printing House, 42 G. D. Ambekar Marg, Wadala, Bombay 400 031 and published by A. P. Samant, Hon. Secretary for The Himalaya Club, Post Box 1905, Bombay 400 001 (India).





Volume 51
(incorporating the years 1993-1994)


Honorary Editor


Honorary Assistant Editor



S. P. Mahadevia (Business)Kaivan Mistry (Index)

Arun Samant (Sketch-maps)Kekoo Colah (Index)

Vineeta Muni (Sketch-maps)Ted Hatch (Kinnaur sketch-map)

Rashmi Palkhivala (Editing)

Trade inquiries with Oxford University Press, Post Box No. 31. Oxford House, Apollo Bunder, Colaba, Bombay 400 001, India.



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